My daughter has caught a so far unidentified bug, throughout last week we were sent all over the city for all sorts of gruesome tests, made all the more difficult by my lack of fluency with the language as well as with the unfamiliar healthcare system. By friday, for her second lots of tests we headed for a nondescript clinic in San Angel. We drove, getting lost only twice in the lunch time rush. Once at the clinic I was handed more forms to fill out ( i used a black medium rollerball pen). We sat next to a water cooler with one broken flipper - tepid- hot and ice cold still worked.
Half an hour later we were ushered through a dark wood laminate door and told to wait. Inside the tiny room was the most brilliantly arranged table. We both immediately felt better, and had something to talk about other than illness. Which coloured blood vial we preferred? Which was our preferred stacking system? And what was the best angle from where to admire the table.
A brilliant ten minute wait!!